And, with its huge 10.2-inch screen, we wouldn’t recommend it if you’re not interested in using its notetaking functions. The latest addition to Amazon’s range, this is the first device from the brand that’s designed for both reading and writing. Who this is for: For some readers, the Scribe is the ideal Kindle.

We can confirm that it feels feather-light to hold, and it’s ideal if you think the bigger model could be a bit cumbersome. It comes in a noticeably smaller form factor than the previous version, with Amazon boasting that it’s the “lightest and most compact Kindle”, and it has a bigger storage capacity too.

Why we like it: We love the upgraded screen and longer battery life that Amazon just added to the new entry-level Kindle. The only thing it lacks that the more expensive Kindles have is its waterproofing. Amazon used to sell its most basic model without a backlight or high-resolution screen, but it now has both a great backlight and a sharp display. Not only is this the best small Kindle, but it’s also the best Kindle for under £100. Who this is for: If you want a straightforward and small ebook reader that does all the essentials, this new one is what we’d recommend. Here are our best Kindle top picks at a glance: Amazon is the market leader here, and all of the best Kindles are simple devices focused on helping you read more. These ereaders also have backlit screens to make reading at night comfortable and they’re lightweight to hold. Digital books are cheaper than physical ones and they download straight to your device, so you don’t need to go to the shop or wait for the delivery. There are more positives than just saving space too. While there are other ereaders out there, Amazon's lineup caters for all book lovers no matter your budget. What you need is a compact ereader to store your growing at-home library without taking up any room. We're sure you've probably still got a long list of books demanding your attention, but there’s also only so much space on your bedside table and a finite capacity on your bookshelves before they require reinforcing. If you’re anything like us, you’ve put a huge pile of novels on your 2023 reading list. We updated this roundup in April 2023 to guarantee that our best Kindle picks were in stock and reflected up-to-date prices.